Thursday, September 18, 2008

You know you're ready for the weekend when...

... you pull up at the gym, just in time to get the kids into kids care and be able to start the class that you are teaching, to hear your 6 year old in the back say, "Hey mom, I thought we were going to school today..."  and you realize that you drove right past the older kids school on the way.  
.... yep, I'm ready for the weekend!


Bonnie the Boss said...

I came over from Heather Lee's blog. She and I were mission Comps.
I love the story about the gym! Too Funny!

Robin Conner said...

Hilarious! I'm still laughing. I love the nonchalant question from seth or sarah, "um hey mom? uh, school??? remmeber?" very funny! Have a great weekend! And trust me, I'd love to just "swing by", unfortunately I don't have a rope long enough! :) I hate being so far from family. It's a major bummer.

mnjacksons said...

that is great Jen. i could totally see me doing the same thing. love it.