Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's Genetic!!!

For those of you who know me, know that I am a last-page-first-reader.  I know I know, that is utterly unthinkable in some of your views (believe me, I have had the tongue lashings :)  ).  But it's who I am, and I am okay with that.  I will gladly read any book... as long as I KNOW that it turns out okay...

...So to do that, I simply read the end, and then I'm much more okay with the stress that happens in the middle.  In fact, there is only ONE book I can remember in my life that I didn't read the end first... and that was because my 'sweet' friend, (Yes, SUE, it's YOU!!) told me the ONLY way she would loan me the FINAL book of a series we were both highly addicted to (no, not twilight... I did read the end of all of those!!) was if I PROMISED that I would NOT read the end first.  (Believe me, I was tempted to just order my own copy of the book!).  I kept my promise... and stayed up ALL night so that I could get to the end and finally ease the ulcer that was brewing in my stomach from page two!

  That's why I love the gospel so much... I know the 'last page', so I know that in the end everything is going to be okay, and that makes getting through all of this 'mucky middle' that is sometimes the craziness of this world more doable for me... but I digress from my original post...

... so today Sarah was reading her book that she checked out, about Clifford having a rainy day... and then getting read a book about a girl who got lost at sea.  Right in the middle of the 'scary' part, Sarah quickly flipped to the last page to see how it turned out.  (and NO, I didn't instruct her to do so... [I had already seen the last page when she was starting the book... no ulcers for me...] ).  

I laughed so hard when I saw this, I had to grab the camera

Yes, she truly is her mothers daughter!!
(and yes, the girl did get saved... by Clifford... and they all lived happily ever after!)


Jogusboy said...

That is great! Nat a lat-page-first-reader, but still great.

Robin Conner said...

That's really funny! Not the suspense type eh? ha ha ha. You guys crack me up!

Fulkerson Clan said...

jen, i do the exact same thing! haha! finding out we share this same "trait" makes me like you even more! and let's just ignore all those tongue-lashers...hehehehe

Walt and Eileen said...

Jen, that is a good one! How fun for both you and Sarah. I've only read ahead in a chapter when a family was trying to get across the border to a neutral country in the war...that WWII family series.
Love, Mom