Sunday, January 31, 2010





I am always so anxious for January to be gone, and this year it has seemed to drag on forever, so I couldn't wait even one more day to start the February celebrations...

The kids and I did a layered Jell-O heart dish (finally I found an advantage to having 1:00 church... enough time to let all of the layers set!!)

... and this is about how long they could handle it until they dug in and demolished the hearts :)

Happy Heart Month!


Robin Conner said...

You are good! I saw that in my family fun magazine this month and I thought it was way too hard to try! You did awesome! They looked just like the magazine! Miss you guys gons! Loves! ♥

Nat said...

yeah! january is over!

Walt and Eileen said...

Did I count 5 layers! Superfragilisticexpialegoshous!
We ♥ you, too!
Love, Grampa 'n Grama Mission - Argentina (39 days...but whose counting?! -- I am!)