This afternoon, I noticed things started getting a wee bit chilly in our house. I turned up the thermostat gauge, and went about business. A bit later, I started to notice it was getting even colder...
By the time I realized that the heater was not clicking on at all, it was after business hours. Great. I called some heating places. Sure, they could come out to fix it... for about double what we would pay normally... (and probably wouldn't have gotten it running anyway, if any parts needed replacing...)
So I set an appointment for tomorrow morning, and this is what our kids looked like getting ready for bed...
So I guess our tuck in chant for tonight is, "night night, sleep tight, don't let the wind-chill bite..."
Here's to a night full of blankets and hot chocolate!!
P.S. I would NOT have made a good pioneer!!
Brrrrrrr. So can you go buy a little heater for each bedroom?!
A good wakeup call for all of us to have another source of heat ready for emergencies.
Please call when you're warm and toasty so we can stop worrying.
Love, Grama 'n Grampa Mission - Argentina wishing we could send some of our 89 degree weather up to you.
We feel your cold!!! It's been -15° here for the last two nights. Our house was cold yesterday too, and then Shawn discovered that our breakers had tripped, so now we're warm and toasty again -- inside that is...
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