Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When Friends give you apples...

Lots and lots of apples :)
(gotta love a fun apple picking day with the kiddos...
... gotta love it even more when it's FREE!)

... You make applesauce...


... and lots of applesauce.

ahh, I love the smells of fall canning season ;)

(except the canning of beans...
... yea, that one stinks pretty bad...
... it's worth it, but it does stink.)


Robin Conner said...

I'm coming over for applesauce lessons! Be there in a sec!!! ..... I wish! Miss your face!

Shan said...

Oh, I can just smell the apples brewing. Loved the kids' first school day pictures. And what a hoot with Ben in his capes - the purple costume was cute! Hey, maybe he has theater talent awaiting, young jedi.