Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Christmas Candy Countdowns!

In an effort to stave off the inevitable struggle to get the daily countdown candy pulled off first, and deal with many-a-fight that I just don't have the patience for right now, each of the kids got to make their very own Christmas countdown...

They even got to start today and eat one of their countdowns...

and after tasting day 1, Sarah realized that she doesn't like the flavor...
... that she chose for the next TEN days...

May your holiday Season be merry and bright (and may the next 10 days sail by to get to the 'good candy' for Sarah's benefit ;)  ).


Robin Conner said...

That's a really cute idea Jen! The look on poor Sarah's face tells it all about her not liking the first 10 candies. Poor girl. Maybe her brothers will be nice and trade once in a while! But very good idea!

mahina said...

that is a fabulous idea! may have to steal it! poor sarah!

4kidsandcrazy said...

I was just debating whether to make one of individual ones for my kids. Good idea!

Chel said...

Good luck Sarah making it through the next few days..

Shan said...

Cute Christmas countdown idea!