Monday, April 5, 2010

Farewell thee fair friend...

Our dearest winter weather friend, wii

You have helped us survive many a wintery, blizzardy, sub zero-y days of being cooped up in our humble home...

But alas, we have once again discovered the great outdoors, and have been busy...

... hauling sticks (the great spring branch pick-up)...

... going on walks...

hauling the wheelbarrow around...

...planting our garden... (yes, I do realize we are not out of the 'snow-woods', as a blizzard at the end of April a few years back is still vivid in the memory, and yes, we are in fact moving in a few weeks, but hey, it's warm, there's dirt, why not plant?!)...

... performing some car maintenance...
... taking some laps with the scooters..

... rediscovering spring wildlife...

... introducing baby E to nature...

... finding out that there really is land under the snow...

... and that there really is a color green in nature...

... and getting some sun while crocheting ??! (I don't know if I'm more surprised by his crocheting, or by his sitting in the sun without first bathing in sunscreen...)

... yes, we will remember you, our dear friend wii with fondness, but bid you adieu until we are once again buried beneath the tundraland of frozen frost.


Jogusboy said...

Well, Minnesota beat Utah this year. Yesterday we experienced sleet, rain, hail, and snow- all within two hours. Spring Break has been more Christmasy than Christmas break. Luckily, I was entertained by cheering on Butler to an almost-victory.

Robin Conner said...

Is Jerry seriously crocheting? Wow! And no sunscreen? Shame on the dermatologist! ;) I'm so glad for you that it's FINALLY warming up! Yay for melting tundra land! Miss you guys! YOu all look so cute!